
New year 90Day Program

Take the steps today |

sign up for one of the training plans and transform your body. Whether you are looking to gain muscle or lose fat.
Comes with workouts, nutrition, cardio regimen, weekly
 checks ins.

Macro Guide


 Maximize your nutrition This macro guide will teach you how to calculate your macros
Gain, Shred or MaintainLearning to calculate your macros will set your path for your goals.
Whether you are looking to gain muscle, shred fat or maintain this guide is for you.

About me 
Carlos Calero (COACH)

Carlos Calero is an online fitness coach, in person trainer and entrepreneur. He was born in Los Angeles, California in 1991. Before becoming a fitness coach, he was a collegiate basketball player & amateur boxer. At the age of 19 he gave up his dream of playing basketball and that is where he found bodybuilding.


Abel Rios

If it wasn’t for Carlos I wouldn’t be where I am today in my fitness endeavor. I was able to lose 50 lbs and become the leanest I have ever been. No bull shit, no cookie cutter plans. I could always count on Carlos to check in with me and made sure that I reached my fitness goals.

William Negron  

I would like to thank Carlos Calero because he guided me week after week to reach my goal, I don’t know anything about nutrition and he gave me advice every week to achieve it. In the weekly reports he always looked for where he could improve and make adjustments to reach the goal without pushing the body too much, very wise and effective his adjustments to achieve my dreams!He also designed an additional day to work shoulders and arms because I told him that that area was weaker, he made me a routine that I am sure was the highlight to achieve everything. I am super grateful for your treatment and dedication.And I feel I am ready for continue my nutrition and enjoy!!I recommend it!!!

What to expect 

Customized workout plan

All plans include a custom workout plan suited to your goals. Whether you are looking to gain muscle, lose fat or gain strength.

Email Access

 With all plans you will have the ability to email me at any time for updates, questions, etc.

Weekly Checkins

Each week weekly checkins will be taken into account to determine the progress made or if changes need to be made


The programs will include macro/calorie adjustment to reach you goals.
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